Application status

We are not able to work at all our applications at the same time, that’s why we have priorities and focus only on a small set. These applications are developed actively, while others are only updated when errors are reported. A small set of older applications is no longer developed, they’ve reached the end of their lifecycle.

Active development

WSB Guardian

Updates are provided on a regular base. We work on new features, improvements and solving problems.

WSB Smilon

We currently work on a major upgrade, but this means the current version won’t receive any updates in the meantime.

Improvement updates

WSB Application Manager

This applications works quite well, so updates aren’t really necessary at this moment.

WSB Password Protected

New features can be added.

Reactive updates

WSB Brain Train

Applications works quite well, only updates to solve problems or perform maintenance are released.

WSB Hit 1000

Applications works quite well, only updates to solve problems or perform maintenance are released.

WSB Notes Ripper

Applications works quite well, only updates to solve problems are released.

End of life

WSB Enrich

In 2017 we’ve tried to rebuild this application based on the Yahoo Finance API. This rebuild was successful, but the API is no longer available. If an alternative, free, API is found, we might rebuild the application another time, but for now we’ve stopped all developments.

WSB Radio Player

End of life. Replace by WSB Simon.

WSB Sofar

End of life.

WSB Swapper

End of life.

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